“A bluesy version of Nick Cave, with a nod to Tom Waits.”
Bruce Warren, WXPN
“Gutbucket-styled, blues-informed Shakey Graves-esque jams.”
John Vettese, The Key
May 2017: Mother Church Pew
“Finding an identity in the storytelling aspect of traditional folk, Driftwood Solider infuse everything from the blues to the punk music of their adolescence, expressed through Lyman-Schmidt’s mandolin and Szafranski’s melodic bass stylings and junk percussion—a suitcase, a license plate snare, and “the Jangler,” a bottle cap tambourine contraption. Their instrumentation combined with Lyman-Schmidt’s Nick Cave-esque jarring baritone growls produce a uniquely rootsy sound.”
April 2017: 50 Third and 3rd
“Howlin’ Wolf singing the songs of Lyle Lovett backed by the Blind Boys of Alabama…Driftwood Soldier may invoke the past but they drag it into the future.”
August 2016: Root Down in the Shadow
“Driftwood Soldier is Root Down In The Shadow’s new folky favorite on the Philly scene. Listening to Scavenger’s Joy you’re immediately drawn to a mix of Owen Lyman-Schmidt’s funky mandolin with Bobby Szafranski’s slick bass. Next take Owen’s cerebral lyrics, integrated with an intense yet mellow delivery much like Neil Fallon of Clutch and David Lamb of Brown Bird, and your hooked. If you haven’t checked out, Scavenger’s Joy, what are you waiting for?”
June 2016: Yeah, Another Blogger
“I’m going to zero in on the duo, who go by the name Driftwood Soldier, because I liked them the best of the acts that I caught. I seemed not to be alone in that. They drew the biggest crowd that I saw all day, and the loudest applause too…I tell you, Driftwood Soldier has it.”
March 2016: Cover Lay Down
“New Artists, Old Songs: Rising Stars Reinterpret”
“Scavenger’s Joy [is] a wonderfully bouncy, grungy, organic collection, chock full of growled vocals, howling slackstrings, and percussive found materials, that evokes both history and reinvention.”
March 2016: That Mag
“Driftwood Soldier on Their Upcoming Projects”
“Driftwood Soldier has something different; they have something to say, and they say it in such a beautiful way.”
February 2016: WHUS
“Driftwood Soldier Rattles, Strums and Croons at WHUS“
Fall 2015: JUMP! Magazine
“Driftwood Soldier: Under Construction”
September 2015: The Key
“PREMIERE: Download “Found” by indie-folk duo Driftwood Soldier”
December 2015: Asheville Blog
“Philly Duo Descending On Asheville”
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